Education today for the world of tomorrow

Today more than ever, education is at stake. Over the last few years, the pressing global concerns regarding educational equity, quality, and purpose, especially amid a pandemic, have been amplified (Datnow et al, 2022: 53).

The 2022 UN Transforming Education Summit made it clear: education systems need to adapt to the shifting skills needed professionally, making learning more student-centered, connected, dynamic, inclusive, and collaborative, allowing creativity to blossom (UN, 2022). The Summit was a call in response to a global crisis in education, one of equity and inclusion, quality, and relevance. Therefore, it is essential to develop alternatives for those left behind or out of the conventional educational system, and it becomes crucial to make this learning recovery an education transformation. 

Picture by Janeb13 from Pixabay

We need to answer the call to be transformational, effective and sustainable (UNICEF, 2022). We need to conceive education with an holistic approach, which involves shifting the focus from simply imparting knowledge to empowering students to take an active role in their own learning. This perspective recognizes that a student’s learning experience is influenced by a variety of factors, such as their personal, social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being, and seeks to address these factors in a comprehensive and integrated way (Datnow et al, 2022: 15). Schools and educators are the main actors that can implement this change in a structural and long-term way.

A central point of this methodology is to adopt a more personalized and differentiated approach to the teaching and learning process, acknowledging that each student has unique needs and strengths, thus defying the standardized learning techniques that claim that “one size fits all”. Thus, this holistic conception of education needs a supportive and inclusive learning environment, one that is welcoming and accessible to all students, regardless of their background or ability level, providing accommodations for students with disabilities, as well as incorporating diverse and multicultural materials.

Within this comprehensive framework, schools and educators establish a mentorship model of teaching, in which teachers and tutors serve as advocates and mentors for their students, providing assistance and guidance as students navigate their academic journey. This may involve working with students to develop study skills, time management strategies, and test-taking strategies, in addition to helping them understand the course material.

Schools and educators can also intervene to address any external obstacles or challenges that may be impacting a student’s learning, such as family issues, health problems, or financial stress. By addressing these issues, schools and educators create a more enjoyable, empowering, and humane learning environment for all students.

Finally, transforming education towards a holistic approach of tutoring requires creating awareness about the individuality of each student and creating a personalized and inclusive learning environment that embraces and celebrates students’ diversity. By taking this approach, we can ensure that no student is left behind and that all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Against this background, we have launched our project MOOC4TUTORS, with which we want to support tutors and education freelancers in gaining more pedagogical competencies, enhancing their professional practice and expanding their skills and knowledge about innovative and inclusive approaches in teaching and learning. By implementing this project, we want to offer more possibilities for tutors’ continuous professional development as well as contribute to that path for the education of tomorrow.


Datnow, A., Park, V., Peurach, D. and Spillane, J. (2022). Transforming Education for Holistic Student Development Learning from Education System (Re)Building around the World (September Report). Center for Universal Education at Brookings.

United Nations (2022). About the 2022 UN Transforming Education Summit.

UNICEF (2022). From Learning Recovery to Education Transformation.

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