The project will produce results available in the 6 languages of the partnership (EN, FR, DE, IT, FI, LT) 

GOAL: Our goal is to offer more possibilities for tutors’ continuous professional development and learning, as well as supportive material for their practice. 

Pedagogical framework

This is the knowledge base that the partnership will create throughout the project’s duration. The intended result is the production of resources and tools for tutors and education freelancers. A special focus will be given to the capacity to work with students with specific learning disorders, adapting learning materials and learning strategies. 

During the project, we will create:  

1. The Tutoring in Europe booklet

The booklet lists the needs and requirements of tutors in different European countries and list the regulations and laws of their practice. Go ahead and take a look 👀

2. An Open Online Course for tutors

The course will allow tutors to support students’ active and lifelong learning while simultaneously empowering themselves for their professional development and learning. 

The course will be developed in the following independent modules: 

Each module will be available separately so that learners can focus on topics they are interested in. 

The course will be accompanied by a learner-centered syllabus that will guide tutors through the course, helping them navigate the contents and resources. The syllabus will contain all the essential information about the course (the topics covered, the goals, the course calendar, the references, etc.) 

3. Education Freelancer Toolkit

The toolkit will contain a list of resources and tools (such as factsheets, adaptation checklists, model session plans, and worksheets) that will support tutors in developing their freelancing profession and share external training in marketing tools, time management, and entrepreneurship.  

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.  

(Project code: 2022-2-BE01-KA220-VET-000097289) 

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