The significance of the tutor-student interaction for learning

In planning teaching, attention is given to the objectives and the content to be taught. Before diving into the subject matter, it is worthwhile to pause and reflect on the learning situation and the atmosphere. As we know, a positive atmosphere has a favorable effect on learning. The book How Tutoring Works delves into how a teacher or tutor can support a student’s learning. According to the authors, one factor influencing learning is the quality of interaction between the student and the teacher. When building a positive interactional relationship, the teacher can reflect on the following aspects within themselves:

Empathy: Do I actively take the time to listen to the students and genuinely try to understand them?

Positive and warm attitude: Can the student be their authentic self, with all their traits?

Genuineness: What do I bring with me when I walk through the door? Do I mean what I say? Am I fair?

Flexibility: Am I avoiding being overly teacher-centered and controlling, while also not placing too much responsibility on the student? Can I adapt my plans as needed?

Encouragement of critical thinking: Instead of focusing on rote memorization, do I emphasize understanding and examining matters from different perspectives?

Building a trusting and positive relationship can take time, depending on each student and their prior experiences. Many of us have likely encountered rocky beginnings and the breaking down of preconceived notions. A student who initially behaves in a challenging way may turn out to be entirely different as you get to know them and break the ice. Investing time in getting to know your students is worthwhile because a trusting relationship can usually withstand setbacks.

Students generally appreciate a tutor who is fair and treats everyone equally. They value a classroom environment with clear rules and boundaries that provide structure and a sense of security. A reliable tutor is well-prepared, has planned the lesson, and has a firm grasp of its content. Goals are realistic and feel achievable rather than distant or overly difficult from the student’s perspective. An excessive workload and unattainable goals can be demoralizing, especially when too much is expected of the student.

Tutors have various ways of supporting students’ self-regulation and learning processes, and sometimes these approaches can be overly controlling or grant the student too much freedom. In both cases, the student may become frustrated, and in the worst-case scenario, the interaction can become tense. Therefore, the tutor should be able to appropriately guide the student and create support structures that can gradually be reduced as the student’s self-directedness grows. The student should feel confident in their ability to manage and have a sense of agency over their own learning.

The quality of the interaction could also be examined from another perspective: playfulness. Playfulness refers to positive interaction between the tutor and students, which includes, for instance, joking around, humor, flexibility, and spontaneous engagement. For some, these are natural traits, but they can also be learned and applied pedagogically. Playfulness has traditionally been viewed as a natural tool when working with younger children, but research suggests it could be utilized more effectively at higher educational levels as well. Humor and playfulness can create a relaxed atmosphere, and a tutor’s own playful attitude can, at best, help students develop their own flexibility.

The tutor plays a decisive role in modeling how to respond to failures. A safe and playful atmosphere allows for mistakes and failures. It’s entirely okay not to know everything. Together, we figure things out and learn along the way!

List of references:

Frey, N., Fisher, D. & Almarode, J. 2022. Hot tutoring works. Six steps to grow motivation & accelerate student learning. CORWIN.

Kyrönlampi, T. & Koivula, M. 2024. Leikin lumoa. Käsikirja varhaiskasvatukseen ja esiopetukseen. SANTALAHTI.

Lonka, K. 2020. Oivaltava oppiminen. Otava.

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